Friends of St Faiths Church


East window in St Faiths's

Friends of St Faiths

Registered Charity No. 519354

Have you been to a wedding, christening or funeral at St Faith’s this year?

It is quite likely that you will have because St Faith’s is well used by our community for these significant family occasions. So many of us look to the church at important times and we expect it always to be open and there for us.  What we don’t think about is how it is maintained and funded. Many of you, like me, might have thought that Worcester Diocese foots the bill for repairs and day to day expenses but that is not the case.   St Faith’s has to be entirely self-funding to stay open. We have to raise enough money every year to pay the electricity bills and for the maintenance and repairs to this lovely building – not to mention helping to fund our clergy and paying our share of Diocesan overheads.

In all, to keep the church open and functioning costs about £25,000 a year.   This huge sum is raised through regular donations and fundraising events like the Street Market and other specific occasions like the Burns Night Supper and Race Nights. With COVID sadly there have been no events in 2020.    The support we receive on these occasions is enormously valued and appreciated.

In addition, about 30 years ago, some villagers set up a group called the Friends of St Faith’s, an independent charity many of whose members want the church to stay open and in good repair but who are not regular service attenders. They give a sum of money each year (no amount is too small) and this is used specifically to maintain the fabric of the building and to improve its facilities for the whole community. Without their help it would be very hard to raise enough funds to keep St Faith’s open.  So we do need more people to become Friends. It is very easy to become one:  just one form to complete, a standing order, and with that you will help to secure the future of our beautiful building.

Bridget - Secretary to Friends of St Faiths email:

℅ Estate Office, Overbury, Tewkesbury, Glos GL20 7NR